here are the steps on how to fade images on mouseover in WordPress:
- Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Appearance > Customize.
- In the Customizer, click on Additional CSS.
- In the Additional CSS section, paste the following code:
Code snippet
.image:hover {
opacity: 0.6;
transition: opacity 2s ease;
Use code with caution.
This code will fade each image for 2 seconds when the user hovers their mouse over it. To make the image fade slower, simply replace 2s
with a higher number.
- Click on Publish to save your changes.
Now, when you hover your mouse over any image on your WordPress website, it will fade to 60% opacity.
Here are some additional tips:
- You can change the opacity value to anything you want. For example, to make the image fade to 100% opacity, you would use the following code:
Code snippet
.image:hover {
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 2s ease;
Use code with caution.
- You can also change the transition speed by changing the
value. For example, to make the image fade in 1 second, you would use the following code:
Code snippet
.image:hover {
opacity: 0.6;
transition: opacity 1s ease;
Use code with caution.
- If you want to fade all images on your website, you can use the following code instead:
Code snippet
img:hover {
opacity: 0.6;
transition: opacity 2s ease;
Use code with caution.
This code will fade all images on your website when the user hovers their mouse over them.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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